Climate Change --> Game Over dude !

Lovelock quote
A Rough Ride to the Future, 2014, pg 3, James Lovelock


California Lawsuit Against Big Oil, (Sept 2023)

Dark Ecology by Paul Kingsnorth (PDF)

Selection from The Uninhabitable Earth (Life After Warming) by David Wallace-Wells

(Selection from) Progress of this Storm by Anreas Malm (PDF)

(Selection from) Michael Mann - The New Climate War (PDF)

(Selection from) Daniel Yergin - The New Map: Energy, Climate, and the Clash of Nations (PDF)

Energy Storage and Green Hydrogen, by Bruce Usher (PDF)

Amitav Ghosh on the Politics of Climate Change and the Great Derangement (pdf)

How to Blow Up a Pipeline (pdf)

Climate Science & Health Effects From Climate Change - Harvard (pdf)

Climate Change Solutions (course readings pdf)

Collapse of Western Civilization ... a speculative dystopian discussion of how Climate Change might get the best of us

How Climate Change is the primary impetus leading to a Revolt Against Humanity (PDF)

But a Better Way to Travel ... and Better for the World
Bicycle Riding GIF

" ... Weather is your Mood and Climate is your Personality ..."

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How to Blow Up a Pipeline - Malm
Greta Thunberg and The1975
Patricia MacCormack
MacCormackHorns MacCormackWitch