Life is the Dance of Chemistry

I hate and I love.
You ask, how can that be?
I do not know, but I feel the agony. *

                                                        ( #85, Catullus ~ b. 84 / d. 54 BC )

According to an anecdote from Suetonius (preserved by Wikipedia), Julius Caesar did not deny that Catullus' lampoons (poem #29) left an indelible stain on his reputation, but when Catullus apologized, Caesar invited the poet for dinner that very same day . . .
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But don't just love (or hate) this site because things are getting ...

HOT      * ! *       H*0*T     -->     H @ T   - -* !

Just moving stars GIF Spin-d-Orb GIF World On Fire GIF

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Humans are now the most significant driver of global change, propelling the planet into a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene. We can no longer exclude the possibility that our collective actions will trigger tipping points, risking abrupt and irreversible consequences for human communities and ecological systems. (Stockholm Memorandum, 2011) ...

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 There never was a time when software existed without hardware,
or hardware without software . . .
  . . . but randware evolved much later.